Chakra Aromatherapy 

Chakra aromatherapy is a holistic practice that uses essential oils to keep the chakras balanced and healthy. Chakras are energy vortices that run along the spine and interconnect our physical and spiritual selves. They can become imbalanced and blocked which manifests as symptoms such as anxiety, depression or physical illness. When you use Chakra aromatherapy, the essential oil blends work with your energy to remove these blockages and restore balance. 

The word “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit word for wheel or disc. There are seven major chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Brow/Third Eye and Crown. Each chakra is associated with a different color, crystal, element and function. For example, blue crystals like blue lace agate are associated with the Throat Chakra which is associated with communication and harmony. Aromatherapy is a way to balance the chakras using natural, plant-derived essential oils that have a soothing, healing and mood-boosting effect on both body and spirit. 

To make an essential oil chakra blend massage KL, a combination of different essential oils are mixed in a carrier oil and applied to the corresponding body part or used in a diffuser. The oils are absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream where they affect the central nervous system to reduce stress and negative emotions such as fear, anger and anxiety. Essential oils have a deep and powerful aroma that can be inhaled through the nose, or diluted with a carrier oil and applied to the body. The blending process takes into account the essential oil’s chemical composition and therapeutic properties. 

When making a chakra aromatherapy blend each oil is considered in three classes – top notes, middle notes and base notes. For example, if you are trying to balance the Root Chakra, then a blend with Vetiver oil is ideal because of its earthy, smoky aroma that can ground you. 

Other important elements to consider for premium massage Spa are the calming and healing effects of the essential oil, its purity and the ability to be absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream. The best essential oils for the Root Chakra include black pepper, clove, frankincense, juniper, myrrh, sandalwood, vetiver and ylang ylang. 

For the Sacral Chakra, the essential oil blends may include lemongrass, ylang ylang, geranium and patchouli. These plants have a natural aphrodisiac effect and promote self-love, confidence and feelings of power. In addition, these oils are said to help you overcome your fears and doubts. They can be inhaled through the nose or diluted with a carrier oil and massaged into the stomach, back and legs.